Sunday, July 31, 2022

Southern Spin #5 Spinning Ball

Southern Spin #5
Spinning Ball by Becky Brown

BlockBase #3537

It's definitely difficult piecing, getting 12 spokes with 12 seams to meet in the center.

An early-20th-century Georgia top with 13 spokes.
I bet she was mad when that red faded

Here's a publication I missed, a 1933 Aunt Martha booklet:
Whirling Wheel or Reacting Wheel (!?!)
Print this on an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet. See the inch square for scale.

You can always add a big yellow dot as Becky Collis did.

And Denniele Bohannon has 18 spokes here
with a blue dot.

Over half done!

An old East Bay friend Berniece Stone with
her quilt.

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