The Waltham Mills of Waltham, Massachusetts about 1815
The Waltham Mill "has long been said to be the world’s first factory to carry out all the steps in cotton production under one roof, a production plan known as the the Lowell system.
This commonly held assumption is an over-generalization---drawing incorrect conclusions from limited information.
"All the steps" in producing printed cotton cloth are numerous:
Cotton boll to yard of printed, finished fabric:
- Ginning: Cleaning and carding bolls
- Combing: Creating parallel cotton fibers
- Spinning: Twisting fibers into cord or ply yarns
- Bleaching: Whitening the cloth by sun or chemicals
- Dyeing: Coloring yarns or dyeing as cloth after weaving
- Weaving: Yarn into cloth
- Decorating: Applying pattern to finished cloth ---printing or differential dyeing
- Finishing: Changing surface with mercerization and other treatments
It seems the Waltham mill's actual innovations were combining spinning and weaving in a commercial building using machines. Earlier patterns of production included commercial spinning on Arkwright's water frame machine, which converted cotton into twisted yarns, and then outsourcing the yarn to home weavers, many of whom were independent business people who sold or traded their home-produced yardage. In contrast to the "Lowell System" the old hand-weaver partnership was called "The Putting-Out System."
Bobbin Girl by Winslow Homer about 1860
She's working in the Spinning Room twisting cotton into yarn.
The idea of turning a skilled trade into a series of simple tasks
at a machine was one of Waltham's major innovations.
Hiring women to do the tasks was another.
The new combination factory then caried out these steps:
- Spinning: Twisting fibers into cord or ply yarns
- Dyeing: Coloring yarns or dyeing as cloth after weaving (perhaps???)
- Weaving: Yarn into cloth on power looms in a large factory---no more Putting Out, a big step in the industrial revolution
The accuracy of these popular tales of the industrial revolution seem to be the product of writers with little knowledge of cotton production (a group that includes me but I do understand the basics.) As with so much history the unified production theory in cotton processing has become a given fact despite the inherent overgeneralization.
Shall we assume that the idea of specialization was old-fahioned after 1820 or so and conclude that later mills that wove cloth also decorated the surface, etc?
Not so fast......
Moses & Caesar Cone's White Oak Mill specialized in jeans cloth.
By 1849 mill operations had expanded. Traveler George Beecher left a
description of the Holt-Carrigan factory:
“...In the midst of a cotton-growing country, and upon a never-failing stream....[a mill] a source of great profit to the owners. The machinery is chiefly employed in the manufacture of cotton yarn. Thirteen hundred and fifty spindles were in operation. Twelve looms were employed in the manufacture of coarse cotton goods . . .."
University of Massachusetts, Lowell Collection
Weaving cotton domestic cloth on a power loom
Beecher's description indicates they'd widened production beyond spinning into weaving cotton yardage---coarse cotton yardage.
The caption tell us "The first Colored Cotton Fabric manufactured
in the South was woven in this Mill." This "first" fact may indeed be accurate.
From Lynn Lancaster Gorges
A finer "Alamance Plaid" woven with indigo-dyed yarns
attributed to the Holt Mill, 1853
Early 20th century
Home sewing scraps and factory cutaways created an abundant
supply of woven patterns as in this North Carolina crazy quilt.
Lynn Gorges has photographed many Alamance plaids. These flannelled (combed)
plaids she attributes to 1890 or so into the mid-20th-century.
Woven pattern was the limit of the Holt decorative techniques.
Printing figures on backgrounds to make what were
called chintzes and calicoes was beyond their interests & knowledge.
Below, types of indigo printing, among the most complex of coloring technology
Small figured prints are relatively simple to produce but take skill.
Larger prints like the Blue Resist above and the Toile look below...
Much more skill.
The post-war South left printing cotton to the North and to foreign specialists.
Their plaids and stripes sold well and
neatly dressed the South.
America E. Bailey Rickett
And created a style of quilt that endured into the 20th century.
This four patch from the West Virginia project is attributed to
Mrs. Albert Phillips of Pitt County, North Carolina after the Civil War.
Next Post: Why do I go on so?
This is so interesting! I was raised in Cotton Country in SE Arkansas. I saw everything from planting to ginning to loading bales on boxcars to go to weaving plants. The last gin I was in could process a 600 pound bale of cleaned, combed cotton in a minute! It’s an amazing process. My mother still lives there and every year she send pictures of the cotton in the fields and then the pickers in the fields. I always encourage her to tell those farmers to keep planting cotton as we quilters need it!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the story....wish we could make quilting cotton out of Arkansas-grown crops but it isn't suitable. Cotton is really sensitive about soil and climate and the Southern U.S. just doesn't have quite what is needed for fine yarns and yardage.