The third in a trio of recent publications on historic dress is Jane Austen's Wardrobe with appeal for Austen fans who are fascinated by fashion and fabric---a niche audience. You, like me, might fit in that niche. For us the book is a treat.
Jane Austen's Wardrobe by Hilary Davidson was published last fall by Yale University Press.
Now I know what a pelisse, a redingote and a round gown are (the last being a dress not split in the center to reveal a petticoat.)
This silk pelisse in the collection of the Hampshire Cultural Trust
is said to have been in Austen's wardrobe.
A pelisse is a "woman's coat dress" according to the glossary.
A redingote is a "double-breasted great coat, with a prominent collar."
Davidson tells us, "Please open these pages as you would pull open drawers, and I hope you enjoy peering into the wardrobe...."
Pink shoes
I bought this book and love it.