Monday, April 23, 2018

Past Perfect: Judie Rothermel

April's Past Perfect featured quilt designer is Judie Rothermel.

Judie has been designing reproduction fabrics since 1987.

She's done many collections of Aunt Grace 1930s's repro prints.

Tea Leaves

And lots of miniature quilts

How many repro lines in 31 years!
What a gift for us traditional quiltmakers.

Sturbridge Stars

Her lines and quilt designs range across the 19th century and into the 20th.

Thirteen Stars from 2007.

Her quilts are often simple patchwork making the most of
 old-fashioned prints.

Stars & Bars

Centennial Quilt
She's known for her samplers too.

Heirloom Applique

Judie's Album Quilt

Judie's inspiration has been antique quilts from her own collection and from museums such as Old Sturbridge Village and the New England Quilt Museum. She and husband Bob ran the Schoolhouse Quilt Shoppe in Canton, Ohio for decades.

The shop is now open by appointment only.

Thanks to Judie and Marcus Brothers for providing us with so much of our stash of repro prints.

Nineteenth Century Schooldresses
One of her latest lines


  1. Judy and I share the same neck of the woods and I am a loyal fan. Thanks for show casing her work.

  2. She is one of my favorites. Her husband passed away a few years ago, but she remains active in the design world. Thanks for choosing her as one of the "Past Perfect" quilters!

  3. Love her fabric, especially the Old Sturbridge lines.

  4. Such a super couple! I used to eagerly anticipate their booth at the Mid Atlantic Quilt Show and was so sad when they stopped going there. It hasn’t been the same without their booth! There is just nothing like seeing the fabric and her samples in person.

  5. Wow, so beautiful projects and fabrics!!

  6. She was one of the first repro designers to come to my attention, and has remained a favorite over the years!
