Saturday, December 28, 2024

Annual Bird Count

My friends who count the birds in their neighborhoods at Christmas report fewer flocks this year. I've noticed this too. The lack of birds in my yard is due to the lack of bird food in the usual spots. But perhaps there are colder climes where they are spending this winter. Canada has appeal.

However, in the digital drawing world I've been focused on birds in traditional applique.

One of Karla Menaugh's

Another of Karla's
3 birds/3 roses

Every year I do a Civil-War related appliqued block-of-the month on my CivilWarQuilts blog. This year the theme will be birds---birds in my neighborhood during the days of Bleeding Kansas. The first of nine free patterns for Liberty's Birds will be posted there on the last Wednesday in March, 2025.

These are extra birds---not using them next year.
I'm planning an applique source book including birds. I'll keep you posted.


  1. I have had more birds in my area, a lot come from the north and winter here. Love the bird theme, look forward to seeing them.

  2. I can’t wait to see the upcoming blocks. I always want to do your series, but have yet to actually do one. Maybe this year is the one. I do love birds. We can’t do birdseed due to proximity to the woods and rodents, but we feed suet. We’ve had lots of towhees, juncos, and other “little gray birds”!

  3. I love birds and in my quilt sounds like it could be fun. I'll keep my eyes posted!
