Saturday, October 23, 2021

Lucian Freud & Francis Bacon


Painter Francis Bacon by his friend Lucian Freud

Here are two of my favorite painters.

Three Studies of Lucian Freud by Francis Bacon

Bad-boy London artists in the mid-20th century when I 
was in art school.

Bacon's triptych of Freud was drawn from photographs
taken by John Deakin in 1964.

It's obvious Bacon left something important out of the final works.

This one is probably one of Bacon's working photos.
(Paint on picture, not on quilt---at least yet.)

I wondered if the portraits were taken in Bacon's, Deakin's or Freud's studio
and looking at a set of 12 photos of Freud in the Metropolitan Museum of Art I 
am guessing the room was Freud's studio and the quilts were Freud's.

This set was photographed by American Walker Evans.

Apparently it is not too late to go back and improve the paintings of Lucien Freud based
on the original photographs.

Found this on line.

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