Friday, September 27, 2013

Metropolitan Fair on the Web

Women at the Albany, New York, Sanitary Fair

Last season's Civil War reproduction that I did for Moda
was called Metropolitan Fair
after the Manhattan Sanitary Commission Fair during the Civil War.
I've found a few more photos illustrating the work that women did to
raise funds for field hospitals

Like this one at Gettysburg.

I'm always looking for interior photos of the Sanitary Fairs
which were held around the Union. Here's a stereographic photo of
some kind of an exhibition.

A Sanitary Commission Fair? Are those
quilts along the wall?
I enlarged that booth with the eagle.

It's a Sewing Machine vendor.
"Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines
Victorious at Paris 1867"
They are advertising a prize at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1867.
So it's a post-Civil War fair...
But a nice view of a commercial booth.

I enjoyed doing all the research for Metropolitan Fair. And now while I am looking for photos of the Fair,
images of quilts made with the fabric come up. Below: Some I found on the web.

Denniele has been stitching the Grandmother's Choice
Block of the Week patterns in the fabric.
Many participants are doing a considerable amount of fussy-cutting
to great effect.

 See more here:

Kindred Quilts

Saw this on eBay

A Table Runner

This line works well with light prints.

Randi D used the big stripe for a border.

Floral Temple
in Metropolitan Fair
The reverse of the memento coin from the Ohio
Sanitary Fair shown above.


  1. I have been reading your blog for a very long time. While I have never worked with your fabrics, I do so enjoy the content of your research, information and pictures. In another life I was meant to be a history teacher. I am happy to be one of your students in this life - thank you.

  2. I find the things you turn up so interesting. I loved seeing the Wilson and Wheeler booth and wonder what kind of event that was!

  3. Really fun history and photos from the fabric line and it looks gorgeous in those quilts. I did get a charm pack to try, love the colors.

