Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hexagons and Susi's Reproduction

Reproduction by Susanne Richter-Antonijevic, 2010

Susi emails that she has finished the unquilted coverlet that reproduces a British medallion quilt from the mid-19th century. Great job and it only took her a few weeks.

Above Susi's reproduction; below the original.

Original British medallion, about 1830-1850

Above & below are the original, photographed a little overexposed when it was sold at Christie's in London

See Susi's blog here:

The use of those hexagon rosettes appliqued to the background is very British although we also see some examples in American quilts.

A few years ago some friends did a challenge that required them to make a reproduction medallion using hexagons somewhere. Here is Judy Severson's solution, a chain of rosettes in the border.

It looks like Cindy Vermillion Hamilton pieced her border but did some appliqued rosettes in the outer blocks for her entry.

I made some tiny hexagons out of my Hartfield collection of 1810 reproduction prints.
I like Cindy's idea of making florals with stems---which reminded me of a 19th-century block quilt my sister owns.


  1. Beautiful quilts and adaptations.
    I can't believe she made that in two weeks, wow.


  2. Barbara - truly awesome quilts, every one of them. THANK YOU for showing them on your blog. Like Debbie said, how could anyone do that in 2 weeks ... 2 years even! I bet she didn't sleep lol
    Sincerely, these are magnificent.
    Julie in TN

  3. I think we are talking more like 6 weeks, but still impressive.

  4. dear friends,it took me nearly 10 weeks to make this quilt,and thanks to you ,barbara,for publishing it on your blog,have a nice day ,susi

  5. Hexagons are coming back into fashion among a lot of quilters. Enough time passed since Grandmother's Flower Garden, that quilters can see hexagons through new eyes. Many are trying their hand at paper piecing their hexagons. It is always such a fun little piece of handwork to take wherever you go. Bonnie

  6. Susi's quilt is just gorgeous. But, the fact that she did it in a few weeks is mind blowing. Thanks for the additional information on hexagons. They have grown on my over the last few years. I used to think of them only as pieces in a Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. They are so soft and interesting in "English" style quilts.

  7. I saw what must be the original of Susi's quilt in Chicago 2010. It was in the collection of antique quilts owned by IQA.
