Last year Gayle Curry wrote me an email saying she and her DAR group had decided to make a quilt from the pattern that Deb Rowden and I did for our book The Lincoln Museum Quilt.
She continued:
"As you know, these things take on a life of their own and after a few phone calls we've been invited to display our quilt in Sacramento at the CALIFORNIA MUSEUM for History, Women and the Arts in conjunction with their Library of Congress exhibit honoring the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday. I've exhausted all resources in my area and checked on the internet; I'm unable to find enough fabrics. Our quilt, like yours is plaids and stripes. Do you have any idea where else to look? We're especially needing the lighter and medium fabrics."
I did a web search for her and couldn't find a really good source of woven plaids and stripes in the lighter shades.
Fabric follows fashion and wovens are not as popular now as they were three or four years ago. Well, don't tell Moda, but we told her to go to the thrift store and buy used clothing. Men's shirts, in particular, have a lot of great plaids and stripes in the lighter colors.
They finished the quilt. It will hang at the Museum in Sacramento for the summer. With Malice Toward None: Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibit will be up from June 24th through August 29th, 2009.

I'm going to miss the exhibit by one day! Uhggg. Great quilt...I've used bits of shirts for shirting and plaids for years. I like how it makes my quilt unique!