Thursday, August 29, 2024

1847 A Lost Album Quilt


Mary Jane Ewing of Perryville (Maryland?) dated her quilt block 1847.
She may have called the group project an "album quilt" as we find the term in use that year...

Thanks to the forgetful Robert B. Rust who advertised in the Washington Union for a lost "handsome album quilt." We can hope it was returned to Mr. Phillips's store, which seems to have been a tailoring and dry goods shop catering to men's fashions.

Cathy Erickson's Collection
1847 Martha Mendenhall, East Nottingham, Maryland

Lydia Preston, Plum Grove, 1847

Handsome album quilts were indeed the thing in 1847--- a few dated blocks.

"Tripping lightly down the river
Frigid years may flit apace.
Still thy heart will guard the giver
On the scroll of thought, a place.
Lizzie, loved one think of me!"

Rebecca Hendricks, Maryland

Suzanne Francis from a quilt in the Pat Nickols Collection
at the Mingei Museum

National Museum of American History
For Mary Hill from women of the Presbyterian Church,
Maltaville, New York

Philipa (?) and Rachel Bradway


  1. Left it? LEFT IT?!?! And he didn't even have to deal with shipping companies or mail service for it to be lost. Took it in his own hands to display somewhere and FORGOT WHERE?!?!?! Harumph.
    I hope it was found, and that he made a *Very* Generous Donation to the charity the raffle was for.

    1. I liked it that he said--- return it to a men's tailor shop--- rather than a place like a dressmaker where women might give him a little trouble for being so careless.
