Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Raffle Quilts

Valley Quilt Guild, Yuba City, California

Work avoidance suggestion:
Do a web search for words 2016 Raffle Quilt or 2017 Opportunity Quilt.

Sonoma County Guild
Judy Niemeyer pattern Glacier Star

Las Colcheras Guild

Q.U.I.L.T. guild

Valley Heritage Guild
Piece of Cake design with border by Holly Casey

Clamshell Guild

Eudora Quilt Guild

Folsom Quilt Guild

Illinois Quilters

Kansas Capital Quilters 2012 quilt

South Bay Guild
Louella Fournell and Pam Overton

Lynnore Meyer for River Quilters

Mother Lode build
Sedona Star pattern by Sarah Vedeler

Mountain Top quilters

Oroville Piecemakers

Quilting in Paradise guild

Margaret Cormack designed the Brownstone guild's quilt

Rio Grande Guild
Judy Martin pattern Shakespeare in the Park

Chestnut & Vine
South County Museum, Narragansett Rhode Island


  1. WOW! My favorite way to avoid work is to look at quilts, beautiful, stunning quilts. Thanks.

  2. Wow. What a great collection you have curated. Thank you for the early morning eye candy!

  3. Wow, mouth opens.Love them all!

  4. Well, that helped me avoid my work for a few minutes! Just gorgeous.

  5. So how can I purchase a ticket for one or more of these treasures???

  6. Many of them are already sold. I'd just do a web search for
    raffle quilt ticket

  7. I'm all for avoiding work. Who knew so many quilts were raffled in a year?! Amazing.

    There's one more, though in a very different style from these, at https://airedalequiltingbee.blogspot.com/. They can't call it a raffle quilt but I think that's really what it is.

    Thanks for your great blogs, Barbara.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)
