Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dustin's Add A Border

I've made a lot of BFF's on the Civil War block Flickr pool, among them Dustin who set up a Flickr page for that group.

I notice he has another Flickr group, The Add-A-Border pool.

You'd better take a look.


  1. OMG I was just scrawling down the last round of Civil War Quilt block instructions (I started late, in June, so I'm still catching up) and kept seeing the little graphic over on your side bar for the link to this blog out of the corner of my eye and I kept thinking the picture looked familiar. And sure enough it was; that's my starter block in green with Dustin's equally crazy border to it.

    So yes I highly recommend that Flickr group; it's way too much fun. Very inspirational!

  2. Me encantan tus trabajos, poco a poco voy a ir comprando telas de reproducción y algún dia me haré un trabajo de esto, me vuelven loca con esas maravillas de telas, me hago seguidora incondicional tuya, un gran beso desde Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

  3. I absolutely love him! He's a super talented quilter.
