Saturday, August 27, 2022

AQSG Fundraiser: Repro Print Sale


(Altered Solomon Butcher photo/Nebraska)
Classic Problem:

Too Much Fabric
Poor Solution: 
Yard Sale

Better Solution Below

Bring your surplus reproduction fabric to the AQSG Seminar in
San Diego that begins on September 28, 2022.

We'll sell it at our ever popular Reproduction Fabric Sale, which raises
thousands for our Endowment Fund every year.

You are probably aware of how hard it is to find
reproduction fabrics lately. So the sale is always popular.

Need ideas on what we want?
See a post from a few years ago here:

Here's what Dawn tells us: 
"Any size: Fat quarter or larger would be great. That said, Turkey red charm packs I assembled last time sold fast."

Bring it with you to San Diego....

Or ship it to Claire McKarns
(her address is in the AQSG Directory)
They'd like to have the shipped goods by September 25th I'd guess.

And bring money with you to buy repro prints.


  1. Hahaha, enjoying your artwork this morning! Hmmm, I wonder if I might have any spare fabric?

  2. Oh boy! That sounds like a fun event. Repros ARE so hard to find lately.

  3. Hello Barbara - I am helping a neighbor sell 5 of her Grandmother's handsewn, handquilted quilts. As a quilter myself, I wanted to let you know that one is a civil war era and see if you are still collecting and have any interest in purchasing additional quilts. Others are in the star 1940s style you post about above, and are pretty stellar. No one in the family is interested in the quilts, and I'm not a collector. Trying to find the right home for these and help her out. Thank you.
