Saturday, January 23, 2016

William Morris in Tokyo

William Morris quilt by Sizuko Kuroha

Acanthus by Yoko Ueda
Another Morris inspired quilt

My friend Merikay Waldvogel is in Tokyo at the fabulous 2016 Tokyo Quilt Festival.

I Love Feedsacks #1

She has the honor of being one of the judges. Here
she is with her Judge's Choice.

Merikay runs in some pretty exalted circles lately. Here's a video of the show from the website of the Imperial Family of Japan:

Actually she walks in exalted circles. See the FitBit on her wrist: 17,429 steps yesterday (7.2 miles).

Her manicure is holding up nicely too, she tells me.

She also tells me there is a special exhibit

"William Morris: Paradise on Earth."

They asked 25 artists to interpret Morris's work using the home furnishings fabrics in his designs that are available now.

Kyoko Yoshida

Kyoko Yoshida (detail)

Australian artist Michele Hill is there too. Look at her blog post:

The quilts are inspirational.
Wish I knew the names of the quilts and the quiltmakers.

They built a replica of the Morris home at Kelmscott Manor
inside and outside.

The quilts are on display inside the "house."

See a little more here:

Here's a shot of the Moda booth. They are featuring
my William Morris reproductions for quilters.
Best of Morris
and Morris Jewels

Pretty cool.


  1. Barbara,what an honor it is to follow your blog. I just really enjoyed this post. Your collection is inspiring, do you have an scraps around?

  2. Beautiful fabric line! What a fun quilt show in Japan. They take such care in their workmanship.

  3. This collection, and indeed the whole show, was outstanding. After many years of attendance, and comments left each year in both English and Japanese, it is frustrating that even this year, the names of the quilters are not given with "Roman letters", though every entrant certainly knows how to write their name that way. Even if one can read the kanji, many names have more than one possible pronunciation and spelling. When, I wonder, will this show become truly "International"?

  4. Fabulous post. Thank you for sharing it. And, Merikay looks wonderful!!
