Saturday, December 6, 2014

Two New Books from Friends

Sujata Shah's living room full of quilts
for her new book
Cultural Fusion Quilts: A Melting Pot of Piecing Traditions

Sujata at Quilt Market last October

Sujata is what we'd have called a penpal when I was young---Someone I've never met in person
but who is a great friend via correspondence. Sujata lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is a native of India where she became a professional graphic artist. My 3-D friend Deb Rowden who lives next door and I were quite taken with her quilts and her ideas.

We encouraged her to put them all in a book, which Deb edited and I provided an introduction.
Are the three of us proud!!! 

A few words from my introduction:

Sujata, a professional designer raised in the colorful textile landscape of India, is in a unique position to add to the quilt's recipe for the 21st century. How lucky we are to look over her shoulder as she puts her colorful spin on everything she sees, absorbs and interprets. Ideas bounce from Gee's Bend, Alabama to India by way of Philadelphia thrift shops back into her studio.

Preview Cultural Fusion Quilts here:

And see more of Sujata's quilts from the book here at C&T Publishing:

Denniele Bohannon and Janice Britz
have published another book with a world view. This one features traditional
blocks, new design ideas and a historical perspective.

Where Poppies Grow: Quilts and Projects Honoring Those
Who Served in World War I

Block 7
Where Poppies Grow

See a post I did about the series when it began earlier this year in the Kansas City Star:

Another digital friend, Colvin Kiwi Quilts from New Zealand, is making the monthly blocks in the colors of her Grandpop's WWI uniform. See a post here:

Other projects include quilts, a pincushion
and the poppy pin above

See a preview of Where Poppies Grow at the Pickledish Website:

Two good holiday gifts for quilters, whatever their style.


  1. Nice reviews! I'm honored to be reviewing Sujata's book today via a blog hop.

  2. I am honored to be your pal! Thank you for every word you have written and said. You and Deb have been with me since the day I did not have a single clue. I feel fortunate!
    Thank you!

  3. I had the good fortune of sitting in Sujata's Schoolhouse at market.....the quilts are even better in person! Alive and vibrant are the words that come to mind! I am echoing her thanks to Barbara and Deb. Deb was the first person to see our ideas and outline. And it is difficult for me to find the words that convey how encouraging and supportive Barbara has been through the years. Two of the nicest ladies you will ever meet!

  4. Many thanks from me too! What good fortune to have a terrific community of women who teach, inspire and encourage you.

  5. That photo looking down on Sujat's quilts is wonderful. Thank you for being so supportive and encouraging to the quilting community.

  6. "Where Poppies Grow" has given me a lot of creative joy this year - and it was right here on Barbara's blog that I first found out about it.
    Concurrent with sewing my poppy blocks has been the fun of working on "Threads of Memory" along with all the other flickr stitchers. Hopefully I will finish both projects with a setting that honors all the hard work put into producing the monthly stories and block patterns.
    I am thrilled to be a Barbara Brackman Material Culture groupie. Thank you !

  7. Dorry---and I am thrilled to have you as a blog groupie.

  8. Thanks for encouraging Sujata! It is indeed a marvelous book. I'm already working in two queen quilt from it!
