Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Austen Family Album Last Block

Block 36 Modern Envelope from the Austen Family Album
by Becky Brown

Last Sunday I posted the last block of my 2014 free block of the week The Austen Family Album. The 36th block was for Jane's friend Anne Sharp.

Here's Anamaria's plan for setting the 36 blocks.

 Each week I've told a little history about Jane Austen, her family and her times, and given a pattern for a pieced block that symbolizes her family and friends.

The blog address:

Marie-Louise's Block 7 for Aunt Phila

Blog-readers post their blocks every week on our Flickr page.

Marie-Louise Ardonceau's Flickr Photostream

I'm quite intrigued by Marie-Louise's set of blocks.
In every post I include a portrait of a member of Jane Austen's world,

such as this one of Aunt Philadelphia Austen Hancock.

Marie-Louise's Block  for brother Frank Austen

Marie-Louise is printing the portraits onto fabric and
piecing or appliqueing them into each block.

Marie-Louise's Block  for Sister-in-law Eliza

Marie-Louise's Block  for brother Edward Austen

Can't wait to see this set together!

See Marie-Louise's Flickr photostream here:

Remember, Jane's birthday is December 16th. She'd be 239 years old. Have a party.

Time travel can be upsetting to one's sensibilities, however.


  1. Thanks for the giggle! Marie-Louise's block are wonderful!

  2. Same as Beethoven's birthday - could it be a special day for geniuses to be born? Lovely blocks, Barbara - thank you for the blocks and the snippets on the Austin family.

  3. I have enjoyed all the different blogs. I hope you'll begin another or two to keep us all learning. Thanks for all the knowledge and humor.
