Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Starlight Guild's Suffrage Challenge

The Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center in the Kansas City area has two quilt exhibits up until January 23, 2021. One shows a dozen antiques from their collection and the other 36 blocks made by Starlight Quilt Guild members.

During the Women's Suffrage Centennial this year the nearby museum Shawnee Town made a copy of Alice Paul's suffrage flag that she finished in 1920. 

Alice Paul (1885-1977), leader of the National Women's Party, sewing a star on 
her banner for each state that ratified the Suffrage amendment. Purple and yellow
were their symbolic colors.

The museum then cut up the 36 stars and gave each to volunteers to make a 12" block. Here are a few of the results.

Sorry I don't have the block-makers' names.

Pamela made a block. Here's her post:


  1. I'm glad to see another 19th Amendment commemoration, quilting or otherwise. It seems like it got overrun by all the other political crap this year. I like all the blocks, it's always interesting how many directions quilters go when starting from the same point. I've gotten 4 blocks done of your Grandmother's Choice done. I see a few blocks here as inspiration if I want to make it larger. I guess I best finish the rest of the blocks before thinking about making it bigger though!

  2. Loved these quilts and that more women have been quilting about the Centennial and their right to vote! Thanks so much for sharing!
