Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Thinking Vertically

If no caption---from online auctions

Lucinda McLin Carson or Sophia C McLin, 
Washington County Tennessee
Pat L Nickols Collection
Mingei Museum

Cathy Trumble set some old wedding ring arcs
together in strips. Great idea.

Appie Lane, Greene County, 
North Carolina Project and the Quilt Index

Mary Kerr's collection

Augusta Auctions


  1. Some of them are pretty funky!!

  2. That must be why I saved the pictures.

  3. Great ideas! Very interesting.

  4. Thsoe examples are really fantastic! A lot of "Make Do" ideas. I love those kind of quilts they tell more interesting stories then quilts that are perfectl!

  5. Very cool quilts! I love the look of vertical quilts. So many interesting ways for them to be set into rows.

  6. The fourth one down, the wedding ring arcs with yellow sashing, is one I made to use old, vintage wedding ring arcs.I was so surprised to see it here!

  7. Cathy---found that picture floating around. Thought it was an old quilt. Glad to know whose great idea that was. Added your name.
