Saturday, March 9, 2019

Stars in Her Crown #10: The Border

Esther's blocks 1-9
Stars in Her Crown

We've made a block for all nine Victorian children. Esther's looks great just
as it is but you may want to add a border.

Some outrageous Victorian inspired chintz would be fun like this
Isabelle Paisley from Dena Designs

Or piece a border, continuing the star theme.

Stars in Her Crown with Pieced Border

Denniele Bohannon's 9 blocks

12" Blocks
48" x 48"
Denniele's with border

Mark Lauer's finished quilt.

Here's a drawing of the pieced border, which continues the four-pointed
star out to the edge.

Border Patterns
You get 3 sheets this week

8-inch border - 1 sheet
Above, the pattern for the 8" version. 

All three triangular templates for the smaller blocks fit on one page whether you are template piecing or piecing over paper. The finished quilt will be 32" x 32".

12-inch border - 2 sheets
Finished quilt = 48" x 48"

The larger version 12" is pushing the limits of an 8-1/2" x 11" piece of paper. The templates
work fine but but for paper piecing below I'm trying to fit a 12" line on an 11-1/2" sheet of paper. 
Good luck! Your corners might get cut off. If you have an 8-1/2" x 14" piece of paper it would work better.

Sharon's 8" version.
24" square now
With the piece border: 32" x 32"


  1. Thank you for another great series Barbara!

  2. I can't wait until I have time to catch up with this one!

  3. Hi, I have come late to the party and I can't seen to download block 8. I keep getting an error 'can't find this page'. Could you check whether there is a problem? thank you
