Monday, August 27, 2018

Crazy Relatives

Crazy quilts are closely related to fan quilts.
Both appeared in the 1880s, lavished with embroidery.

Here are a few fantastic fans from America's golden age of silk bedcovers.

...with a few wool quilts too

And cotton...
UPDATE: In the comments Cathy says she thinks this is a recent fan. I bet she's right. The thread looks recent. Don't know where I found it.

From the New Jersey project & the Quilt Index

Many I found in online auctions or just floating around in Google pictures.

This small wool piece I had photographed years ago for Clues in the Calico.

Date-inscribed 1893, Bourbon County, Kentucky
Smithsonian Institution.


  1. Amazing hand work and embroidery on those fan quilts.

  2. The fifth photo down is a new quilt. I recognize the Jo Morton fabric. Just wanted to be sure you knew.

  3. Lovely quilts! I remember my elderly neighbor lady had a crazy quilt and I remember how heavy it was! There was velvet and wool; very pretty!
