Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Chintz Panel Reproduction Quilt

A few months ago 10 friends got together for a week of sewing. We worked together on a chintz quilt. Here is Dottie Barker defiling it back home. Still has a repeat of the red border to go.

We brought some chintz panels from our stashes (and a lot of just plain chintz).
We made stars whenever we got a free moment from our other sewing.

Bettina worked out the center, using an old Makower panel
from a line called British Heritage taken from the Quilters Guild Fife Quilt.

We had a golden colorway. Just one panel.

Several expert medallion makers had opinions.

Here's who liked that plum colored chintz at the top as a final border:
 Nobody else. We have enough red stripe to use it again.

And here we are with our royal wave---Photoshopped to look like a silk screen print.
Still friends (although I may be sulking about plum brown border.)

It looks great if we do say so ourselves.

About 5 years ago the blogger at EveryStitch washed her panel top using this panel and here is what happened:

Oh No! is right.
Alarmed by her experience Bettina washed a second panel we had
with the sheets and it turned out fine. She used a color catcher and that may 
have been the problem. We are not going to carry the experiment any further.

We had some leftover panels of various sorts since we only used one of our community stash. I am giving away the Indienne panel above on Merikay's & my Chintz Panel Blog.  (Colorfast panel.) You have until midnight July 14, 2018 to comment OVER THERE.


  1. Which post on the other blog are we supposed to comment on? I've never owned one of those lovely panels!

  2. Sounds like a fun get together. Always something new going on here, thanks
    for letting us in on it Barbara.

  3. It is a beautiful top, but I would have to say that Dottie makes the photograph!

  4. Lori
    It's posted now. Go to this:

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! Great teamwork :)
