Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bettina's Morris Hexathon Blocks at AQSG Auction 2017

Every year at the American Quilt Study Group Seminar
we have an auction of quilt-related stuff to support the organization.

I am confident I will have the best donation in New Hampshire in October, 2017.

Last year I did a Block of the Week called Morris Hexathon
with hexagon blocks on the theme of William Morris's England.

Bettina Havig and I are donating her set of Morris Hexathon model blocks
and some extra yardage to finish the quilt.

There are light ones.

There are dark ones.

Bettina made weekly models from my line of Morris Repros
Morris Earthly Paradise.
 It's a kit of sorts except most of the work is done.
You'll get the paper patterns too.

You can bid on 25 hexagon blocks with sides finishing to 4"....

Magnificently hand pieced by Bettina.

Look at that stitch.
She uses a running stitch and penciled stitching lines.
They aren't ironed yet.

She gave them to me to do what I would with them.
Well, I am not going to finish them. It would be a desecration
for someone of my sewing skills to set these blocks (or even press them).
I think donating is the perfect solution.

Surely one of you would pay big bucks to take on the challenge.

See the post with links to the patterns:

or buy the patterns as a PDF you print yourself:

Or I will print them in black & white and mail them to you:


  1. Those blocks are gorgeous. Hope they find a good home and raise a lot of $$ for AQSG!

  2. See you in Manchester! Maybe the blocks will find a home with me...

  3. Okay, I will use this link to see all other patterns. Sounds pretty cool.
