Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Your 2017 Applique Quilt To Do List

Was one of your New Year's Resolution to start a new reproduction applique quilt?

I am not one of those whose resolution list includes:
Finish Quilts
Mine says:
Start Quilts

Here are some ideas:
Patterns, kits and books that will keep you busy at least through March.

Esther Aliu. What's New Nelke?

This pattern isn't new but it is a terrific design.
Floral Delight pattern by Lori Smith

Inspired, I'd guess, by this antique on the cover of
The Quilt Engagement Calendar Treasury.

Carpenter's Wheel pattern by Michelle Yeo

Susan's Moss Rose pattern from Georgann Wrinkle

See more about the original quilt here:

From Margaret Mew's new book Quilts From the Colonies

Cacheco Scrap Basket by Nancy Rink

Heart and Hand Block of the Month kit
from Temecula Quilt Company.
Inspired by this vintage quilt.

Hana's Quilt Kit from Petra Prins

Marina's version of Irene Blanck's Tribute to Lucy Kemper


  1. I absolutely love those quilts. The applique is just gorgeous :-)

  2. I am the same way, I just want to start something new, lol.
    First I need to clean out my room.


  3. Ohhh so many pretty ideas. Need to finish a few things first. I'm way behind. Really, way way behind.

  4. Hahaha - "start quilts"!!!
    My list is endless :)

  5. Debbie--Clean room has been on my do list for 2 weeks. I'm about to give up and pull out more fabric.

  6. Oh my stars! I love all of those. You, temptress you! Alas I'm not starting one - I want to finish Anna's Garden by Lori Smith, Love Entwined by Esther as well as her Forget Me Not; a Becky Goldsmith one, and a small version of Benjamin Briggs. That should keep me busy - LOL.

  7. Gorgeous, every one. I am tempted by Esther's updated pattern, but no, I'm sticking with your books (still to be chosen patterns), something I downloaded last year, and something I started in 2011 in the spring. I loved seeing these, though!

  8. I think I have a few of those books/patterns only they are becoming difficult to read from the drool 😋 I have a block of the month started. I'm on April so can pretend I'm ahead of the game rather than way behind.
    Have a beautiful day.

  9. I am just thrilled to see my quilt amongst all these beautiful Applique quilts. Thank you for sharing Barbara :-)
