Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sets for Hexagon Blocks

Nancy's thinking of setting her Morris Hexathon blocks all-over with dark triangles.
Love the Strawberry Thief border.

This is the set that Becky and Ilyse are using too. See a post here:

Here's a link to the instructions for the official set----is anyone going to use it?

Ilyse Moore has 61 hexies in her almost finished
project, which is titled "My Summer Obsession."
She is thinking about what goes in the corners.

Vintage hexie blocks set with striped triangles.

Deb Strain's Be Creative
If you shade things carefully the triangles
can dominate as stars.

In this vintage silk string hexagon, the maker
used black triangles and emphasized the stars
by using a medium purple diamond.

Minnie Meyers
Arizona Project

You can set the hexagon blocks with just the 60 degree diamond, an idea popular in the mid-20th century. I found several of these where the blocks are stacked with diamonds  on the Quilt Index.

And several for sale

Great quilt from the sixties maybe,
plain hexagons, pink & lime green diamonds.

If the hexagons are all the same pattern it's
 easier to get a coordinated look
but it works with samplers too.

Park Bench from Jaybird Quilts
The diamonds are twice the triangle.

You could set the sampler of hexagons in an all-over pattern, hexagon to hexagon.

As the Las Colcheras Quilt Guild did in their raffle quilt last year.

Koi by Bruce Seeds

Candied Hexagons by Ann Tenthy
with patterns from Ink LIngo

Liza Prior Lucy

Homage, another group raffle quilt with hexies set side by side
by the Springwood Community Quilt Show

They also popped some chintz hexagons in there to good effect.

Lucy Kingwell's pattern Smitten

The advantage to working with 60 degrees is that you can integrate diamonds, hexagons and triangles of various sizes as in this version of Smitten by Mickey & April at the Sweetwater Cotton Shop.

Peaceful Constellations by Mary Huey

Hex and Next by Jill from Fun with Barb. 


  1. Thanks for including a photo of my Pieceful Constellations quilt in the ideas for setting Morris Hexathon blocks!! Here is a link to a collection of posts on my blog that discuss some of the technique aspects of setting hexagonal blocks!

  2. Lots of ideas for setting. I think I like Homage the best.

  3. Thanks for sharing.Any of the set are stunning!

  4. Thank you so much for including our quilt Homage. It's an honour to be included with so many beautiful quilts. Our raffle quilt for next year features hexagons again but this time they're appliqued in different blocks.

  5. Dear Springwood people
    That is one great quilt you made last year.
