Monday, November 14, 2016

Quilt Wrecks---It Can Happen to Anyone

Sometimes you finish the block but decide
not to use it.

One could rip and re-sew...

But then again. It may be easier to just toss it aside.

You'd hope you'd notice that things seem out of place 
before you finish the top.

Some times it's hard to put your finger on just what went wrong.

Maybe no one will notice.

See more Quilt Wrecks here:


  1. Who doesn't love the Maverick blocks? Love this post! Thanks for giving me a smile this morning. And, I do think the Ohio Star block was not a mistake at all. In fact, I think you have found a new block - Ohio Goblet Star! Love it!

  2. Once at a guild meeting, a proud quilter held up her 4-block appliqué quilt. One of the four was upside-down, sideways, I don't remember now. She had not noticed the warward block until seeing it held up for all to see.
    Sometimes we are too close to our work, sometimes literally too close.

  3. Laughing at Ohio Goblet and My Favorite Wine ... may need to follow up on this :)

  4. My late husband was color blind. He was a wizard at spotting rotated blocks. I think he had an especially keen sense of value. I always had him look at my tops before I quilted them. He caught an error, ahem, more than once!

  5. My grandmother made a Drunkard's Path and I can't tell you how many times it was laid out, pinned and re-pinned.
    But you can always use the old Native American excuse of nothing on this earth is perfect so they always intentionally put an error in a woven blanket or rug.

  6. After using my quilted tablecloth in various stages of finishedness (is that a word?) over three Thanksgivings, I proudly announced it was finally completely done and quilted! "No it isn't," stated the ever-annoying older brother. Sure enough, right in front of him, was an eight-inch stretch I neglected to quilt.

    Don't you hate it when the annoying ones are right?

  7. How fun to not be so dang perfect all the time!

  8. Like I say, My quilts are like my husband, perfect with lots and lots of character. Just makes me love 'em more.

  9. Yup I have had many of those. I have found it fun to put a lot of the wonky blocks together and have made some fun place mats

  10. Oh, I got a good laugh at these! My, how I can relate. Thanks for the laugh.

  11. That was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!

  12. I love a good honest mistake in a quilt. It was joyful to look at these. Thanks!

  13. And some of them were hard to find - even though I knew there was a problem!
