Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Baltimore Blues: Patterson Park

Baltimore Blues is my latest Moda reproduction print collection.

The largest print in the line is a floral ---the sort
of splashy floral someone like Mary Todd Lincoln might
appreciate (although Mary's dress here is silk and this is cotton.)

I named the prints after Baltimore landmarks. The floral is Patterson Park,

named for the family who donated the land
200 years ago.

The document print (the original antique) was used as the setting squares
in a late-19th-century quilt top, now a kind of a faded pink/violet
We tightened up the repeat a little. That very airy background
with lots of space was a fashion about 1900 and I think
less background/more figure spans a wider range of taste.

We printed #8342 in five colorways.

Read the gossip about the Patterson family 200 years ago at this post:


  1. The only thing I NEED from Sample Spree--a bundle of this!

  2. Those are quite the dresses and beautiful fabrics with the designs.


  3. Your Baltimore Blues are beautiful.
    A little dash of gossip, poor Betsy.
    A wild fling, a price to pay.
    Such is life.

  4. Love this line of fabrics - just up my alley. Thanks for always making such gorgeous repros.
