Thursday, September 15, 2016

Morris Hexathon Sets in Black and White

Ilyse Moore is setting her Hexathon blocks with white triangles.

And Becky is planning the same idea in black.
She's working on a table runner with 28 blocks here.

The triangle is one sixth of the hexagon.

It's the same triangle you used in Block #2 Crystal Palace.

The last hexie will be posted on October 29th.


  1. Sorry for deletions. That table runner is terrific. Has Becky marked that long cut with masking tape so she can reposition her ruler accurately while cutting the border? Brilliant: sew on border, measure and mark cut with masking tape, then cut. I'm afraid of long cuts, but this must work every time. She should write a book of Becky's Tips and Tricks -- it would sell and revolutionize quiltmaking.

  2. I like both. I was actually thinking of using black myself:)
