Saturday, November 28, 2015

Tessellations 6: Quadrilaterals---Oddrilaterals

Sixty Degrees of Tessellation IV
by Carol Gilham Jones

Carol's been exploring tessellated shapes and color.
The shape has 4 sides---it will tessellate or tile.

A different angle
but one piece covers the surface

Carol Gilham Jones, Ginko Leaf
Pieced and Appliqued

It's roughly the same shape as this:
A square divided equally with a line.

The new shape has four sides: Right angle in two corners.

A vintage quilt from about 1950? with a different take on the shape.

It's half a rectangle.

And half are flipped over.
Two make a tumbler, so a tumbler might be an easier shape to work with.
And like a tumbler it can be any proportion
as long it has four sides.

But if you had a good sense of direction and were working on a design wall you could do many things....

Most of which would involve a lot of thinking.

With 4-way mirror-image rotation it's a quilt block.
But it doesn't have a BlockBase file under four-patches where it belongs.

Here's an odd-shaped quadrilateral that was actually published.

Broken Rainbows
BlockBase  #1416 from the Nancy Cabot
column in the Chicago Tribune in 1937

Broken Rainbows by Dianne Anderson,
Tomball, Texas

Rotation in the block. Rotation in the repeat.


  1. Isn't this just a beautiful way to always see something different in your work, I must try this sometime! Thanks for your lovely posts Barbara!

  2. I love tessellations, can play with paper samples forever. Thanks for expanding my view and adding to the fun!

  3. Thanks for Including my Broken Rainbows quilt, Barbara! It holds a special place in my heart.
    Love your blog, too!

    Diane Anderson
