Friday, September 18, 2015

Alice's Scrapbag:Baby's Pantalettes & a Block-of-the-Month Kit

Alice's Scrapbag #8316

I named a classic small print in Alice's Scrapbag
"Baby's Pantalettes." The reproduction fabrics
come in four colorways that echo madder-style prints
of the mid- to late-19th century.

Antique Tan

In keeping with the theme of Alice Browne making her quilt from scraps of the family clothing I imagined this print as calico underdrawers.

Pantalettes is another name for pantaloons,
with a bit of a feminine ending. Both
are leg-covering bifurcated undergarments
(a 19th-century word for pants)

Pantalettes were fashionable children's underwear (and outerwear I guess) in the 19th century. They are often pictured as lacy white on boys and girls.

Pantalettes were designed to show.

While most photographs and illustrations show contrasting white pantalettes
many surviving costumes feature matching dress and pants.

This set from the Brooklyn Museum costume collection at the 
Metropolitan Museum includes strap-like suspenders to hold up the pants.

The document print for the reproduction was used in the four-patches in 
Alice Browne's original quilt.

Document in center, the lightest reproduction behind it.

You've seen that print before I bet. It was a classic in the last half of the 19th century.
I put a date on the selvage of 1850-1900 because it was printed over and over again for decades.

The online Quilt & Sew Shop is offering a kit made of Alice's Scrapbag. Their "Fat Quarter Sampler" in the Traditional Colorway is available at this webpage:

Fat Quarter Sampler
69" x 93"
The first package will be shipped in October.
Here's what they say about the 8-Month Program:

Make a scrap quilt using easy quilting techniques with our Fat Quarter Sampler Series Quilt Kits! This twin-size patchwork design uses simple piecing, Flying Geese, half- and quarter-square triangles and a bit of appliqué. Each month of this eight-month program, you’ll receive a variety of fat quarters and block patterns. The final month’s kit will include borders, binding and finishing instructions.

A little Photoshopping here

The latest incarnation of pantalettes.
Still cute.

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid my "pantalettes" were called bloomers by my Grandmother and leggings by my Mom. Believe me, my leggings were nothing like the thin shape fitting leggings of today!
