Friday, August 28, 2015

Subscribe by EMail

Do you subscribe to your favorite blogs through email?

You can easily sign up to get email versions of the blogs you enjoy reading, 
which you can see on your phone...

or other devices.

There's a column over on the left here. You may not be able to see that on your phone.
But on a computer...there's a column over on the left that says Follow By Email.

Type in your email address and submit.

Not every blog has a box to subscribe by email
but it is great way to keep up.

Of course, there is the potential for too much mail.
You could set up a separate mail box too just for blog posts.

And you can always cancel.


  1. Thanks for the smiles this morning!

  2. The last great photo is from Desk Set with Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn about the dangers of that big computer, "the electric brain", in the office. Love Katharine Hepburn. Really didn't love that movie. Maybe I should see it again. Rotten Tomatoes now gives it 100.

  3. I much prefer to follow by email because I miss so many on blog loving'! Wish ALL the blogs had that subscribe by email link!

  4. I have used a blog reader for years and years and years and love it! When I go to it I am all ready to read - for hours if necessary.

    Some how email is for friends and business.... don't want all the none related stuff there.

  5. I have used a blog reader for years and years and years and love it! When I go to it I am all ready to read - for hours if necessary.

    Some how email is for friends and business.... don't want all the none related stuff there.
