Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pushing Red, White and Blue

It's flag day tomorrow, a celebration of the red, white and blue.

I realize I am a slave to fashion when
I notice the size of my idea file packed with pictures of this color combination.

Red, white and blue, pushed modern.
The blue tilts towards the aqua

The red towards to orange.

Really tilting orange
Accents: lime green and gray.

Those are hardback books on the wall.

I've been thinking all year about how to restore the
bathroom in my old 1970/modern house.

And here's what I came up with.
Aqua, orange and white.

I kept the aqua/blue linoleum floor but had to say goodbye to the leaking blue bathtub and tile.
New white tub and surround so I could change the color scheme according to my whim.

I based the current colors on some turquoise and orange
dishes I have.

Japanese lustreware from 1940-1960. 
Two from my collection

Wish I owned this one.

I had no idea how I'd been affected by fashion
until I hung up the beach towels.

A retro color scheme
that's totally hot.

Serigraph by Bob Nitcher


  1. What a great color scheme! I love those retro colors too.

  2. I love this post....those are my colors, too...and I also have a lustreware collection.
