Monday, April 20, 2015

Chelair's Union Blues Kit Quilt

Union Blues by Chelair Etter
Have you seen the ad for my Union Blues kit in the March/April issue of QUILTmania?

Carrie at the Moda blog has pointed out that
there's a typo in Chelair's name

The headline should read "Union Blues Made by Chelair Etter"

Me at market last fall in my virtual booth

Now I know you like to think I sew all these quilts but
I tell you this quilt is beyond my skills.

But not Chelair's. She wears many hats at United Notions
including quiltmaker. Below is a great quilt she made
for the Collections for a Cause line 
Warmth a few years ago

The Union Blues kit is available now. Check at your local shop.


  1. Love the Union Blues! Need to make something with the charm squares from Cyndi (Busy Thimble). Thanks for another great line!

  2. Oh, Barbara, I'll bet you COULD make the quilt -- but that would take time away from researching and blogging, and we rely on your expertise (and wide-ranging interests) for that.

  3. yes union blues ARE gorgeous....drooling over the entire line...

  4. I bought the Union Blues pattern and am using up alot of my stash - I had a question about the half square triangles - they started out as 3-1/2" squares - do I really have to trim each one down to 2-1/2"? I guess this because the blue square in the Sixteen Patch Block is 2-1/2. Seems like an awful lot of cut off though, so want to double check...
