Thursday, November 13, 2014

My Fabric in Quilts I Didn't Make (yet)

Sister's Paint Box 
by Carla at Cora Quilts 

Carla had two packs of Moda precuts: My repro line Metropolitan Fair and Paint Box by Edyta Sitar for Laundry Basket Quilts.

She was pleased to see how well they complemented each other so she
used them to make this quilt from a how-to by Bonnie Hunter. I love her binding
of the stripe from Metropolitan Fair.

The pattern has several names. BlockBase says
Sister's Choice  and Greek Cross from the Kansas City Star
New England Block.
The BlockBase numbers are 1802a
(Don't forget the "a" when you type in a numerical query)

See Carla's post here:

And the Woolen Needle has a pattern and
a kit for the quilt they call Ladies' Aid 
using another variation of the vintage pattern.

They chose my fabric line
Ladies' Album.

And it looks like #8280-17 is the border print

I'm guessing she used this two-block variation of the same design:
BlockBase #1001, commonly called Snowball.

See more about the quilt here:

Jan Hutchison framed a medallion as a presentation
quilt using a chintz print from my Lately Arrived from
London collection a few years ago.

Check her blog post where you can see the masterful quilting better.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing my quilt!

  2. I love how Carla's quilt came out, beautiful combination of the two fabric lines.


  3. You and Edyta are two of my favorite designers! I never would have thought to combine your fabrics, but they look wonderful together!
