Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Shopping

Buddy Guy
The best dressed man in Rock and Roll.

I know what I am getting my sweetheart for Christmas.

A Buddy Guy Fender Stratocaster in Buddy Guy's signature Polka Dot body.

Buddy has at least two

Well, maybe my sweetheart might not appreciate it. 
I hate to spend that
kind of money just to have to return it. I think I'll
just stick removable office dots on his favorite bass
as a surprise.


  1. Hehe. Great idea! I hope he has the shirt to go with it.

  2. That is funny, husbands can be tough to shop for. Plus when you are married too long, you run out of ideas, lol. With the new grandson, we are happy just to have him and the kids here, no presents needed.


  3. That's a new model on me! My son just passed his Epiphone on to his brother and bought a Gretsch base, but he's already thinking about a baritone next year! I don't think he considered the polka dot Fender model, though. LOL
