Thursday, March 14, 2013

3.14 is Pi Day

Mathematicians interested in making math fun
have made this National Pi Day.
It's a math joke.

Pi is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, a number that is approximately 3.14. Which is today's date.
I would suggest you do a web search for the words pi day to get ideas on how to celebrate. 

Me--- I will probably make a pie (or thaw a pie, whatever.)

And I'll give some thought to the circle, it's circumference and diameter. And be glad I rarely get out my compass anymore.

I will be grateful that somebody else somewhere drafted these circular pieced designs.

If I ever got the urge to piece something like this I'd go to the EQ7 program libraries and click on files like Wheels, Dresdens, and Compasses.

I'd make paper templates out of freezer paper (no seam allowance) so the arcs, radii and circumferiii would all be perfect. See Elsie Campbell's post on using freezer paper for intricate piecing here:

Dad's Plaids by Elsie Campbell

But I think I'll just sit down with a piece of pie until the urge goes away.


  1. For a bit of a Maths geek and draftsperson, there is something quite liberating in drawing a circle with a compass and seeing where a bit of creativity and lateral thinking takes you!
    EQ and other software are good tools but knowing how to wield a compass, thats a dying art, and an important design skill.
    Wonderful collection of circular blocks. And how equally wonderful that many of them are not perfect. She must have used a compass, or a glass, or...

  2. Happy Pi day. Lovely quilt blocks. thanks for sharing.

  3. Great post! Thanks for the entertainment & the wonderful pics.

  4. Just mention math and my brain turns to mush, lol.
    I love the first piece, really love the design.


  5. Several of these are already drafted and ready to print on fabric with Inklingo! Easy peasy!

  6. Pi day is big in our high school math classes. I made chocolate chip pie and pumpkin for my boys to take in to school. Which means I had to make two of each kind so one could stay home for us.

  7. There is a lot of mathematics in quilting - I find it a bit challenging! Maybe that's why I love the quirky, wonky blocks best :) thanks for the interesting post - as always.

  8. I love anything to do with the Civil War history. I wanted to make your blocks but have only been able to find instructions for January and March. Please tell m e where to find the February block instructions. Thanks so much.

  9. Paste this into your web browser. The patterns are posted the first Saturday of the month.

  10. I love circular quilt designs and many of these are outstanding! I'm going to bookmark this page for frequent future reference.

  11. could you tell me where to find a link to the first photo of the Pi posting? (the one with the bird embroidered in the center) Just this past Saturday I was documenting quilts in WI and documented a very similar design and I would like to know where the one in your photo came from.
