Monday, February 20, 2012

Battle Hymn Flag Print

I called this flag print "Shiloh" after an 1862 Tennessee battle.
According to the National Park Service site:
"No soldier who took part in the two day’s engagement  at Shiloh ever spoiled for a fight again.”

The document print came from a very ragged comforter, a charm quilt made of hexagons. I had one piece of this patriotic print very much like the Sharpsburg Tan on the left. The only other piece worth saving in the comforter was a U.S. Grant presidential campaign fabric from the late 1860s or 1870s somewhat like this:

So I have dated the flag print as 1870s, like most of the prints in the tied comforter.

A few weeks ago I spent a few days sewing with my friend Bobbi who is making the Checkered Past pattern from a pack of fat eighths of 1862 Battle Hymn.

See the pattern with a photo of Bobbi's ancestor Hancy by clicking here:

I bet she has the top done by now.

The quilt is similar to the Lincoln Museum Quilt that Deb Rowden and I did for the museum in Springfield, Illinois a few years ago.

We used plaids and stripes---sort of like this. It's a digital sketch.

 See more here:


  1. I can't wait to fonder my new Battle Hymn
    bundle, should be arriving in the mail any day now.

  2. I love the quilt you and Deb made for the museum. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I really like how she used lighter fabrics for the stars, gives it a more vintage look. I need to start going through my books and find a pattern to use them in. Now that my room is clean, enjoying sewing on the machine again.


  4. I love your use of the plaids and stripes...

  5. It is one of the most beautiful fabrics I saw either, I love it and bought al the fabrics!
