Thursday, February 18, 2010

Missed Holidays

I completely missed National Polka Dot Day which would have cheered up my January if I'd known about it beforehand.

It's not National Just Dot Day. It celebrates Polka Dots---which are circles set in a regular half drop repeat.

This quilt technically isn't it.

The baseball bat probably counts.

So next January 22nd I'll dress appropriately.

I also missed Hari-Kuyo, a centuries old Japanese celebration of the needle. Kimono makers bring their broken needles to the temple on February 8th and place them in blocks of tofu.

Nancy Halpern arranged a Hari-Kuyo festival last February for our quilt retreat.
We had to post a sign, however, in case of overenthusiastic vegans at the cocktail party.

The electric cords represent some broken sewing machines.

Read more about Hari-Kuyo, the Japanese Needle Festival, by clicking here.

Mark it on your calendar for February 8th next year and save all your needles that have given up the ghost for the cause.


  1. Love that garage!! What fun. Thank you, Barbara, for all the information that you share. I love your blog.

  2. I love spots and have just started adding them to my stash. Looking for some wardrobe items too. I have plenty of stripes.
    Your lovely book, Remembering Adelia arrived yesterday from the UK. What a lovely combination of information - history, patterns, design advice, pictures, projects. I love it.

  3. Sorry Barbara - I do love the blog but the second comment was meant for a different blog. Sorry. But I do so love your fabric ranges especially the Civil War and William Morris.
