Monday, January 11, 2010

Tile Quilt Revival

Lotus, Bobbi Finley
Carol Gilham Jones and Bobbi Finley's new book Tile Quilt Revival: Reinventing a Forgotten Form is in the quilt shops now. I wrote an introduction and got to include some photos I took of the tiles of Catalina Island.

Tile Quilts are a cross between applique and crazy quilts in which the backing fabric, the grout shows.

Starry Orange Peel, Bobbi Finley and Carol Gilham Jones
An interpretation of an antique quilt.

Here are two that aren't in the book.

Charles and His Favorite Things by Carol Gilham Jones

This fused portrait of Carol's husband also contains a portrait of Carol and their lovely dogs Grace and Sumo. The late Sophie is also on there.

All in the Family, Bobbi Finley and the Glory Bee, Williamsburg, Virginia, 2008

Bobbi is a cat person

The Road to California quilt event in Ontario, California will have a special exhibit of quilts from the book. Look for their show if you are going to Road to California at the Ontario Convention Center January 14-17. Read more about the exhibits here:

Read more about the book Tile Quilt Revival here

See a few antique tile quilts by clicking on these links:
Cowan Auctions sold a terrific example several years ago. It's in the collection of Colonial Williamsburg now.

Woodard & Greenstein show a pair of tile quilt blocks.

Laura Fisher has a wool tile quilt on her website. It's appliqued shapes covered with embroidery.

And see a tile applique inspired by the book at Brandy B's blog


  1. Go to the Quilt Index and type "Paw Paw" (include the quote marks) to find two more tile quilts from the Michigan State University Museum collection.

  2. these are lovely,
    I have mine up on the blog today, ready to quilt! Yippee!

  3. I really, really, really like these. I have to get that book. thanks for the reminder.

  4. Really unique quilt designs. I am exploring myself and trying new things.


  5. I've just god the book.
    Thank you for mentioning it here!
    It gives me a lot of inspiration.

