Monday, July 8, 2019

BlockBase Sold Out

If you go to the Electric Quilt website you get this message:
"BlockBase is out of stock until 2020. Please check back later."

(After we totally revise it.)

We're talking here about the program Electric Quilt did with my Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, digitizing it so you could draw any of over 4,000 patterns any size.

The new version will have a new operating system

Be compatible with either PC's or MACs

Have a different interface

And have more features.

You'll still be able to identify patterns by their names and sources
and draw them as templates, rotary cutting or paper piecing.

And export them into Electric Quilt to recolor or add to quilts.
We have to redraw all 4,000 plus blocks (I use the term we loosely).

It's not like I'll be doing it.

They have people at EQ.
I hear they have 901 blocks redrawn.
It's going to take a while.

How would you improve BlockBase?


  1. Do you also have an Encyclopedia of matching photos??!!! These are great! I will look forward to the new edition.

  2. This sort of boggles my mind, but it sounds fantastic, and incredibly useful! Up-to-date computer no doubt a must.
    Love the pictures!

  3. I'll be thrilled to just to be able to use it, as it's not been Mac compatible. This is great news!!

  4. I have been waiting for this moment! I have a MAC, and I am so excited to be able to use access the blocks from your book. This is super exciting. Thank you Barbara!

  5. I used it a lot till I got a MAC; I'm happy to see the MAC version coming.

  6. I would like to see all the names of a block on the Notecard, instead of one name and "See BlockBase for more published names."

    Thanks! Love BlockBase and EQ! I am such a better quilter and quilt historian because of them!

  7. So happy to see that it will work on a MAC!!

  8. I love this software and use it in conjunction with your books. To improve, I would:
    -add in blocks from patchwork Quilts Tsushin
    -add in Bonnie Hunter blocks (block variations???) and quilts
    -start adding 'modern' blocks that are new

  9. I still use your Encyclopedia (hardbound) and BlockBase (linked to EQ8). If there's one thing I could ask for it's a better sort structure. There's 4 patch and 9 patch...but I'd love to see, for example, 25 patch (5x5). OK, I lied...I want two things as long as I'm asking. If I find a block I'd like it to be like Amazon...a little button that says "More like this" so all the things that fit on that grid (stars, even patch blocks, uneven patch blocks) would appear. Well...I can dream, can't I? Thanks!

  10. Ila, that is not a bad idea. I'll tell them. If Amazon can do that we could.
