Friday, May 16, 2014

Richmond Reds for Moda at Spring Market

Richmond Reds
Project Quilt from Moda

Richmond Reds collection for Moda

Quilt shops are ordering fall fabric this weekend at Quilt Market in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My showcase collection is Richmond Reds.

String quilt blocks by Becky Brown

It's a line of mid- to late-19th century reproductions with each
print named after an American town, north and south.

The signature print is a reproduction of a 
mid-19th century floral we've called Springfield after Lincoln's hometown.

Good Fortune by Georgann Eglinski

Austin in Rebel Red

It's not all red, but the classic madder red of the 1840-1880 era is the theme.

There's also a subdued bronze shade of green

Winnetka in Bronze

And several rich browns....
Springfield in Mahogany Red

Minden in Chocolate Brown

The floral above is named for Minden, Louisiana.

Here's the patriotic print, a small outlined star from right after the Civil War.
I named this print after Emporia, Kansas.

Winnetka in Rosy Pink

Reds shade to pink as in this basket weave
named after Winnetka, Illinois

Raleigh in Shirting Cream, almost a white

Albany in Aged

We've done a romanticized sepia colorway we are calling Aged.

Bloomington in Aged

Becky Brown did a traditional "Richmond" block
showing the range of contrasts in the line.

33" x 33"

And I did a small top that looks like a Christmas Star. I used a Moda free quilt pattern for 10"squares and reduced it to use with  5" squares (maybe Charm Packs or Layer Cakes cut into 4 squares.)

EQ Diagram

A - 5" squares cut diagonally for triangles.
B - Squares trimmed to 4-5/8"
Finishing to 4-1/8" squares.

4 Blocks make a 66" quilt

I am expecting the precuts for Richmond Reds to be delivered
in late summer with yardage soon after.
The scheduled delivery date is September, 2014

Look for more information about my sources for prints, colors and names during the summer. We'll be making Austen Family Album blocks up in it too.

 More information on this future group: Click here and do a search for the word Richmond.;jsessionid=F0A13FF06C8D98BD5F03D1DE7D1A0B58.storefront8080?subcategory-name=Richmond+Reds&path=Catalog%2f%2f%2f%2fFabrics%2f%2f%2f%2fFuture+Groups


  1. Another great collection! Can't wait to get my hands on them!

  2. Really looking forward to this collection! That Moda star quilt at the top of your post is stunning!

  3. What a wonderful line of fabrics!

  4. I just love those reds. I am curious about how you chose the town names. I came from a suburb near Winnetka, IL.

  5. Donna---I just love the sound of the names. Winnetka is poetry.

  6. Beautiful collection. Will there be a pattern posted for the star quilt. It is stunning.

  7. Gorgeous fabrics, and I love that featured quilt at the top.

  8. The star quilt at the top will be posted as a free pattern when the fabric is available. I'll post the link here.

  9. Stunning new line! I love all the wonderful reds! The main quilt is a wonder!

  10. I really love the new line and love how it looks in the quilts.


  11. I really need to find 2 of Barbara Brackman's fabric. They are Richmond Reds Aged Angel #8301 and Ladies Album # 8282.

    I would like to purchase 1 1/2 yards of each fabric. I have looked on the internet and have only been able to find the Aged Angel fabric.

    Please contact me if you know where I may purchase these fabrics.
