Saturday, October 12, 2013

Brickwork in Morris Modernized: Free Pattern

Morris Modernized
68" x 89"

This variation of the traditional Brickwork piecing is the official free pattern from the Moda website. It is pieced from my Morris Modernized: CFA Voysey collection that is to be delivered to shops this month.
Click on the link above to see the quilt pattern.

Here's the sketch I sent to Susan Stiff, Moda designer.

She designed the rectangles to be half a Layer-Cake square
10" squares cut into 5 x 10" rectangles.
And changed the setting contrast to a plain ivory.

The pattern is simple because it's pieced on the diagonal in straight lines.
You need rectangles and a few triangles for the edges.

It's a variation on a 20th-century pattern we call
stacked bricks today. Here's a mid-century version with white strips,

a set that works a little better than this one.
This version of stacked bricks also requires 2 patches, a rectangle and a triangle,
but they are pieced in vertical strips by adding a triangle to either end of each
rectangle and stacking them up.

Here's one that looks to be early 20th century
with a triple stripe between the stacks of bricks.

You can get another interesting diagonal pattern by
setting rectangles in vertical strips. In this one sketched in EQ7
I alternated the burnt orange prints from the Morris Modernized line
with two shades of a plain pumpkin color.

This colorway is called Persimmon.

You usually see this all-rectangles design at the turn 
of the 20th century, but the quilt
above with an Indian chintz border
looks to be about 1850

Here's a similar pattern about 1900.

There are lots of variations on the simple rectangle out there.
Think half a Layer Cake
or if you want to work smaller,
Half a 5" Charm Pack.

Comforter dated 1941

Alternate dark and light rectangles in
horizontal strips for a vertical look.

I can't figure out how to do this pattern in all rectangles
without set-in seams.
UPDATE: MarySaysSew says see this Moda Tutorial
Thanks, Mary.

Two sizes of rectangle, one size of square.
This could make an interwoven effect.
But what the heck.

My friend Deb Rowden, who studies improvisational quilts, says you have to use a scissors to get the look in that pink and blue quilt.
If you used a rotary cutter you might have square angles and be tempted to straighten up those wiggly edges.

See more about Morris Modernized by clicking here:


  1. Here's a tutorial on how to do a zig-zag brick using all rectangles:

    It might take some finagling to get the same color placement at the quilt with lots of claret bricks, but you get the idea.


  2. Wonderful pattern and a lot of nice variations with it.


  3. Love this post. Beautiful quilts
