Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Quilt Market Virtual Booth

Spring Quilt Market opens this week in Portland. I always try to prepare a virtual booth to show off the fabric Moda will be introducing.

The name of my collection that will be previewed at market this week is
Morris Modernized: CFA Voysey.

Charles Francis Annesley Voysey was a spectacular designer in England in the early 20th century.

CFA Voysey

He took the basic staples of  Morris design---inspiration from nature with intricate repeats on layers of pattern---and modernized the look.

Here's a Voysey design, Oswin from 1895, that echoes the characteristic Morris diagonal.

Thistle, also from the 1890s, builds on the traditional field flower that goes back to medieval tapestries.

William Morris drew detailed birds stealing strawberries and Voysey's simpler birds are also found among the berries.

Pyracantha 1901

But sometimes you have to look in the background to find them. One of Vosey's signatures is a great use of negative space.

Bird & Tulip

Birds & Berries

Since the booth is virtual I can have the late Mr. Vosey ready to hand out charm-pack freebies.

We may look a little threatening but do come into the virtual booth and see the line.
I love this photo of the artist with attitude.
I am wearing my hair in the manner of Lady Ottoline Morrell---
it looks better on her than on me.

The room we built for the virtual booth is one that Voysey designed. He was primarily an architect who designed furniture and all sorts of decorative details like the andirons here and the chair that Dot is sitting in, but it's his patterns for textiles and wallpaper that really speak to us today.

A sneak preview of the whole collection:
Morris Modernized
CFA Voysey

I'm not going to Quilt Market and neither is Dottie, but do look for my new fabric in the Moda Booth.


  1. Good morning, I really enjoyed this post-love those hidded birds-beautiful fabrics Kathy

  2. It looks fabulous! I'm always excited to see another Morris inspired line from you!!

  3. wow, love that fabric. I'm hoping you will design a quilt to use it in as I have no idea but it is fabulous!

  4. I love all things Morris and this one is great. I need a quilt pattern idea too. Thanks, Margaret

  5. Really gorgeous fabrics and colors. The designs are so lush. Can't wait to see them in person.

  6. I'm working on quilts and so is Susan at Moda. Her idea is on the wall there. Well, it's our idea---bricks.

  7. That is what I love about spring market..... it is much more "fun".... a virtual booth and new hair style to boot. I bet if you had cracked a smile the whole set up would have been over the top! At any rate we the quilters get more delish fabric....

  8. I wish I was going to market to get some of those freebies!

  9. I was so glad to read the explanation od "CFA Voysey". When I first looked at the logo I thought it was some kind of Latin logo.

  10. You are such a nut! But what a talented one....

  11. Looks like another must have line! But your hair makes this post! bet Dot is thinking thank goodness it is her and not me! You make me smile.

  12. Love the virtual booth, that is so fun and the fabrics work beautifully in the room. I finished the applique on the cradle quilt, added my own touch and now I can start quilting it.


  13. Oh yes! I'll take some of everything.
